I was born in Nordin, OK
and my husband Eugene was born in Corbin, KS. We met through our softball teams. We moved to Albuquerque when Gene took a job at Sandia Labs. I worked in APS cafeterias. We had two children, Patricia and Gary. They both live in the Albuquerque area. We joined St. Paul's in 1960. Patricia was active in Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) and Gary participated in Boy Scouts. I have 4 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. I served on St. Paul's Outreach Committee. Marilyn Bevan began Family Promise at St. Paul's and I also served with her.
At that time, the families stayed in "the little house"
which later was known as the Ministry Annex. It is now a rental property for the church. At one time we had 17 people staying there with only one bathroom. I also worked with Roadrunner Food bank, Project Share, and helped sort clothes that went to the Clothing Bank. I was on St. Paul's Board of Trustees when the garage was built.
"At one time we had 17 people staying there with only one bathroom."
Because I was working, I joined Mary Circle of Women's Society of Christian Service (WSCS) which met in the evening. I retired in 1989 and joined a daytime Circle. WSCS is now called United Methodist Women (UMW). I am currently serving on the Executive Committee as Chair of Education and Interpretation.
I am a member of the Seekers Sunday School Class. Also, although it is not under any Committee, I have spent hours straightening up the books and papers in the Sanctuary's pews. I am still active in Nursing Home Auxiliary which only has two members now: Dottie Phillips and me. We go to Genesis on Constitution and assist with Bingo games and providing prizes for them. My favorite song is The Old Rugged Cross.