Pastor Doug's Page: We are realizing how much more precious relationships and connection are than the busy schedules of our lives, dashing from one gathering to the next, talking and more than listening. Seeing the good in such a season as this.
Warm & Fuzzy Tree: Just because we are still in a pandemic, winter doesn't wait. It will still get cold, lots of people will still need those pieces of clothing to help them be warm. And we can help! Check the Epistle for more details!
ZOOM Fellowships , Community Connections, Outdoor Connections and other Virtual Opportunities to Connect: We share what ZOOM Fellowship, Zoom Community Connections, and Outdoor Connections are all about and will be beginning to open this up to others within our congregation! Let's make a difference for eternity!
Prayer Walk Ministry: Join the Dinner Church Team and take a walk around the neighborhood. Simply pick a street or start at your own home. Go alone or pick a partner. We include some general guidelines in this month's Epistle!